SupportCategory: LED LightingThe LED retrofit light I installed hums with a dimmer, what can I do to stop this?
Anonymous asked 9 years ago
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LED Customer Service Staff answered 9 years ago

Thank you for taking the time to contact us regarding our product.
We are invested in insuring that you remain satisfied with the quality of our products as well as providing you with the best possible customer care.
The list of dimmers tested for compatibility with our Luminus LEDlights are as follows and some of which are originally intended for incandescent lamps:
Lutron: CN-600PHW, D-603PG, DVCL-153PG2, DVLV-600P, DVW-603PG, DVW-603PGH, LG-600P, S-600PR, S-603PGH, S2-LH, TG-600PR, TG-603PGH
Leviton: 6631, 6631-L1, 6633-P, 6683, 6681, 6684, and IPI06
Please note however, that our lights will work on any dimmer but may suffer performance on a non-LED dimmer. Also, LED dimmers usually go up to 150W-200W whereas non-LED/CFL dimmers can be found to go up to 600W.
If you have already purchased and installed a LED/CFL recommended dimmer from our list or otherwise and you experience flickering, humming/buzzing, or reduced function, there may be other variables involved that are to be investigated, such as; having too many lights on the dimmer circuit for the maximum load, or having interference on the circuit from another source (incl. timers, clocks, radio, alarm systems, etc.), in which case you can detect by switching off the appropriate breaker.
As added reassurance to test the quality of our product that you have purchased, we recommend that you remove the affected light and temporarily install it to another source to confirm if the issue really resides in the retrofit light. Should you still have issues please reach out to a member of our Customer Service Team at 1-877-333-0098

– Luminus Customer Service    


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